Sleeping baby lying on instrument paneling of a standing car

Air Conditioning System Cleaning with airco well®

TUNAP Cup Spray Gun with hose and probe next to two bottles with cleaning fluid

A New-born Baby Breathes 45 Times a Minute

The air conditioning cleaning system airco well® ensures healthy air in motor vehicles. Motorists can protect their health by having their motor vehicle air conditioning systems checked and cleaned annually.

Water flows and splashes in a circle

Clean Your Air Conditioning Deep Down with the TUNAP Splash Effect

airco well® eliminates the dirt and microbes that build up in the pollen filter box and evaporator. With airco well®, germs are flushed out by a high-pressure jet and all the associated components are thoroughly cleaned.

Take a look at our

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airco well® air conditioning cleaning is carried out by professionals.

Get Your Air Conditioning Professionally Cleaned the Next Time You Have Your Car Serviced

When you next have your car serviced, ask about having your air conditioning cleaned with airco well®, the world's most effective way of ensuring clean air in your car.

The airco well® Air Conditioning Cleaning System Works with Two Components for Healthy Breathing Air

Every car air conditioning system has exactly two weak points at which they are especially susceptible to dirt and attacks from harmful microorganisms – the pollen filter box and the evaporator. Therefore, the airco well® air conditioning cleaning system consists of two specially developed components to clean both these areas extremely effectively.

The most important factors of the airco well® system:

  • independently tested effectiveness by the German institute for environmental and interior analysis GUI, Gesellschaft für Umwelt- und Innenraumanalytik
  • tested material compatibility in collaboration with leading manufacturers of air conditioning systems
  • no colourants or fragrances that trigger allergies
  • process tried and tested internationally for many years
  • safe for the environment and health
  • improved, gentle formulation with highest hygienic effect

Air Conditioning System Cleaning - Comparison



airco well® 994
Hygienic Cleaner AC Systems
airco well® 996
Hygienic Cleaner for Pollen Filter Box